One of the greatest experiences I had growing up was seeing the world at a young age. By the time I was 16, I had been to Europe and Asia and had seen over a dozen countries. While I didn't realize it then, it left an indelible mark on my life, helping me to understand other cultures, people, customs, histories, and gaining a much wider perspective of the world. It also gave me a sense of awareness and even self-confidence about the wider world. The educational value was far beyond the cost of tickets and travel it took to get our family there.
Now with four kids, I've had the privilege to pass on to my kids a love for travel, the nations and the world, and it's helping them become world christians. Melding service and missions with our travels, our kids have responded with an enthusiasm and conviction beyond my wildest dreams. #1 - They love to travel. #2 - They love to see other places. #3 - They love other cultures. #4 - They want to learn other languages. #5 - The want to make an impact and change the world for Jesus. Homeless, orphans, underprivileged families, name it, they're game to help. They want to serve. I couldn't be more pleased as a parent. They are gaining the heart and practical skills to become Great Commission Christians.
Next up? We're praying about a trip to Inner Mongolia to assist in food distribution, helping repair broken down schools, teaching English and more! Does it get any better?