Daniel's 3 Quotients
Sep 8, 2008 at 10:58AM
RichKao in Leadership Skills

The biblical figure of Daniel was an amazing man.  He excelled in three quotients.

#1 - He had a high IQ (intelligence quotient).  He was learned, smart, highly trained, and among the best students in the land.  As a result, it helped him move into high places.

#2 - He had a high EQ (emotional quotient).    Formally defined, Emotional Quotient (EQ) describes an ability, skill,  a capacity to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, and of others, and of groups.   Daniel had this in spades. In his role as advisor, administrator, counselor, policy maker to the King and his administration, he knew how to deal and interact with people at the highest level across many interests.  He was a master diplomat and a gentleman.

#3 - He had a high SQ (spiritual quotient).  As if having a high IQ and EQ was not enough, Daniel's highest quotient was his SQ.  As a man of integrity, prayer, obedience, prophetic insight and ambassador for God, he was unrivaled in his day.  None of the lofty positions he ascended to or outstanding awards he received went to his head or impeded him from being a worshipper and follower of God.  "God first" could have been his personal by-line, and he demonstrated this when he was in the lion's den and when he fearlessly delivered God's mesasges to Kings.

Application:  we need to mentor our leaders and our own children along these lines.  If we want them to be high impact people, with influence in the world, then let's develop them educationally, emotionally and spiritually - a generation of excellence.

Article originally appeared on (http://richkao.squarespace.com/).
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