Thanks, but no Thanks - Rev. Mahoney's Bonehead Move
Aug 10, 2008 at 08:21AM

Thinking he did a great service for religious freedom by his protest this morning in Tianannmen Sqaure, in fact the Rev. Patrick Mahoney undermined years of Christian effort by his stupid, ill-advised grab for attention.  What a total idiot move.   While Pastor Mahoney may have a track record and history advocating for many other causes (abortion, the poor), he has no platform, track record or credibility to speak in China.  None.   As a result, his stunt will garner lots of attention for himself in the West, but it will only have negative affect for religious workers and the Chrisitian community in the China.  I guess Rev Mahoney was thinking of himself and not the big picture.  Anyone could have done what Rev. Mahoney did.   That doesn't take courage, love, patience or demonstrated kindness.   That just requires foolishness,  which the world already has a high supply of.  His actions just reinforced the caricatures Chinese officials have in their mind of Christian zealots.  Great job.  Reinforcing stereotypes.  But,  hey if you are one, you gotta be one.  Rev. Mahoney just couldn't resist or control himself from parading on the biggest stage in the world.  He just had to do it.  For that he's received the rewards of his labors - more TV time.   At least he's got another thing to put on his resume.   But as to being an agent of true change.  Not a chance.  

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