Joined the family for a trip to Pixar's latest offering: Wall-E. Off the top...very interesting. I did not expect to encounter almost a new kind of genre in animated movies...namely, minimal dialogue; Pixar chose not to give a voice to the main characters - Wall-E and Eva - and as a result had to rely on incredible animation, and scoring to keep the action moving along. I would say for the most part it did the job given the tall assignment, although it did lose my 9 yr old boy who almost fell asleep. Wall-E is utterly lovable as a character, and the grand theme of "taking care of our earth" was generally well done without being an overt political piece. Again, the execution and imagination invested in the movie was world class. So creative. Overall, it was almost better as an adult movie than kids. I know the critics seemed to have loved it, with the general populace a couple steps behind. My final rating: 8/10. You have to give Pixar's track record a thumbs up. It's 9/9 in terms of producing blockbuster films. I'm not sure there is studio out there that has a 100% success rate like Pixar.