Jun 22, 2008 at 06:02PM
RichKao in Leadership Skills

DavidGoliath.jpgTimothy Keller, pastor of the now well known Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City (Manhattan!) is a modern day David.  He has slayed Goliath.  Here's why.  A couple of years ago, during a season of fasting in our church, God really opened my eyes to the fact that when David slung his fatal stone at Goliath, it hit him in the forehead; "the stone sank into his (Goliath's) forehead, so that he fell on his face to the ground" (I Sam. 17:49).  What was the significance of this verse?  To bring down the strongman, you need to hit him in the head -- his thoughts, his thinking.  Goliath was not killed by a shot to the heart, but between the eyes.   God has to bring down the strongholds of the mind to release a city.  This showed me the importance of having a high view of the pulpit.  Our messages must be like stones that tear down the wrong thinking of the people (more by reasoning - see Acts 19:8 than exhortation).  This is exactly what Tim Keller has done.  He has gone into New York City and by his preaching / apologetics tone, disarmed the assumptions and premises that have held people back from God.   He has skillfully examined the highest arguments against God (e.g. "It's arrogant to insist your religion is right and to convert others to it;"  "A God of judgment can't be a God of Love.") and brought into doubt the confidence people have placed in them.  Pr 21:22* A wise man scales the city of the mighty And brings down the stronghold in which they trust. The result?  Five thousand church members and a dozen daughter congregation.  Warning:  This kind of preaching & reasoning takes A LOT of hard work.  It has to be intellectually deep, and philosophically convincing.  I am personally inspired to do something like this in Vancouver.  To work really hard, capitalize on my rigorous academic training from years past and sling a stone that will hit the mark.  And here's my joy...not so much to bring in the masses and grow a big church, but to locate and articulate truth in such a way as to deliver people intellectually. Take care of the top line, and the bottom line will take care of itself.  Pray for me.  No, really pray for me.

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