I just picked this post up from Guy Kawasaki's site...it's a link about the next level in video conferencing: holographic video conferencing. My mind is reeling...click on the youtube frame at the end of this entry to see it in action. Besides the obvious real-time ability to conference, meet, and never get on an airplance again (as Guy says in his blog), what about real time training in covert places? what about doing evangelistic crusades? What about virtual holographic classrooms? What about church services with a "holographic preacher" in multiple locations? This is freaky. It's amazing. Obviously, the technology is hugely expensive and inaccessible to the regular public now, but just like the genesis of any nascent new technology (computers, desktop publishing, telephony, etc), it will only be a matter of time before we'll get a crack at utilizing these tools ourselves for the Kingdom.
See Holographic Video conferencing in action. Comments? What do you guys think?