Amazing Grace
Dec 17, 2008 at 09:40PM
RichKao in Movie Reviews

Terrific, terrific movie.  Inspirational and moving.  It's a biopic about William Wilberforce, the English politician that helped outlaw slavery in England.  With wonderful sets, costumes, music and dialog (my favorite part; I loved the high, dignified thoughts of the characters), the film recreates the pain, perseverance and ultimate triumphant experienced by Wilberforce in his mission to overturn the injustice of slavery.  An amazing arc in the movie is Wilberforce's relationship with John Newton, the converted slave trader that penned probably the most beloved hymn of all time - Amazing Grace.   Serving as Wilberforce's spiritual mentor, Newton spurs him on to finish the course and complete the task.  Truly an amazing story, and a true one at that.  Thank God for William Wilberforce and John Newton.  What he hath wrought through vessels of clay.

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