Not facing the truth. Not wanting to open a bill. Not saying what you should. Refusing to go to the doctor despite obvious signs you should. Avoiding circumstance and people you should face. These are all forms of living in denial. It's as innate to us as breathing. It's reflexive. And it's harmful to us. We regularly tell our friends and family to "be strong," "face the music," "be a man." These are all exhortations to step into reality and out of denial.
But there is a form of living in denial that is good and healthy and sound. It comes from Luke 9:23 where Jesus said "take up your cross daily and follow me." Saying no to the extra piece of chocolate cake. Saying no to a pair of shoes you don't need. Saying no to a lustful glance. Saying no to toxic relationships. Saying no revenge and spite. No to gossip, and no to quiet delight over a enemy's demise. Every one of these examples and millions more are behavioral expressions that when acted upon in the "denial" mode show what a true disciple of Jesus is, i.e. someone who has "mastered" the flesh, subdued the old man (Gal. 5:24), and is in synchronization with the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:16). It's someone who's lifestyle (i.e. regular behavior patterns) is marked by an absence or decline of flesh habits because of the Holy Spirit's governing power. In place of these "flesh habits" are love, joy, peace, patience...(Gal.5:22-23).
Another way of saying it is this: Those who are walking in the Spirit and growing in Jesus become acquainted (and comfortable) with the pain of saying no to the flesh, and do not turn from its pain (it's not easy to say no to the extra piece of chocolate; it's painful to our flesh) but rather use it for good. Gal. 6:8 says it best, "those who sow to the flesh reap corruption, those who sow to the Spirit reap eternal life."
An acute awareness of the "pain dynamic" is crucial to understanding "cross living." "Oh, so that's what it look likes and feels like." It's ok if there a little pain, a little stinging; that's the nature of it. Understanding comes, confusion is dispelled. We know what the sweet spot looks like, and we embrace it unto a harvest of righteousness (Hosea 10:12). Live in denial. Be a disciple.