Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Nov 17, 2008 at 02:32PM
RichKao in Movie Reviews

Great movie by lawyer, comedian, gadfly, social commentator, and courageous documentarian Ben Stein.  Taking on the entrenched and hostile Darwin Evolutionist crowd is no easy task, but Ben Stein does a solid job in bringing to light the disdain and scorn Intelligent Design (ID) scientists have to put up with when they raise reasonable and scientifically based questions about the veracity of evolution.  Mr. Stein's basic objection is that freedom of speech, expression and civil dialogue is being suppressed.  I think his case was well made in the movie.  He does a great job of juxataposing old time black and white clips betwen the color story line, sometimes with great hilarity.   Course the evolutionist establishment will feel duly offended and tweaked by it.

Underpinning the movie is a sypathetic if not supportive view of ID's positions and claims that in fact 21st century science points to intelligent design.  Darwinian scientists are still unable to answer the big question of life, namely, how did this all start?  Where did all the starting material come from?

ID as a view is a minority one, and certainly politically incorrect.  It stirs up a lot of head shaking because the secular academics immediately equate it as a front for creationism.  But that is not the aim of the ID community.  It is a science based position that concludes the best way to make sense of the data is by overlaying it with an intelligent design model, not a chance and natural selection one. 

If evolutionists could suppress their emotions for awhile, maybe they'd catch a bit of the drift that the ID scientists are trying to put forth, unless of course scientists have embraced evolution as a world view.  In that case, then let's be out with it, scientific data is not what is governing the day, it's our own sense of morality.


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