Denver Archbishop: Obama 'Most Committed' to Abortion; Gen. Powell's illogical decision to endorse Obama
Retired General Colin Powell, former Joints Chief of Staff and US Secretary of State, universally respected by Democrats, Republicans and Americans publicly endorsed Barack Obama for president today.
Colin Powell calls Mr. Obama a "transformational figure." Why? Based on what? Speeches? Mr. Obama is certainly adept at igniting people's aspirations, including it now seems Mr. Powell himself. But from my vantage point, such people are falling under Mr. Obama's spell and missing the point as they get misty-eyed. Mr. Obama is as left as they come. That's his record. He has the most liberal voting record in the Senate. That makes him as partisan a senator as you can get. He has no track record of bringing people together in Washington. None. And he's preaching about unity and reaching across the aisle? If he wants to show how he can bring people together and reach across the aisle, then please test them in the real world first and establish a senatorial or governor's record that proves it. Then come back in 8 or 12 years with something to show for. But don't tell me you want to practice in the Oval Office. As President Clinton said, we can't afford to roll the dice with Mr. Obama. On what basis can someone make an argument for Barack being transformational? Based on his community work? There are thousands of fantastic community workers...does that qualify them to be president? Even the best of them seem to be getting it wrong.
On a related note,
Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput represents my view -- including how he frames Obama's position as the candidate "most committed" to abortion -- as to one of the big reasons why I think Barack is the wrong man for the presidency. If I can save millions of lives by not voting for Barack, it's not even a debate how I would vote. I can save more lives by not voting for Barack than voting for him so he pull US troops out of Iraq.
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