Blood Diamond
Dec 10, 2007 at 10:38PM
RichKao in Movie Reviews

BloodDiamond.jpgWow.  Just watched Blood Diamond starring Leonardo Dicaprio & DJimon Hounsou.  Powerful stuff.  A very intense, graphic movie about "conflict diamonds."  Made me a believer in the cause against conflict diamonds.  I realize, with my heightened sense of orientation towards social justice -- because of church planting in Vancouver, Canada -- this kind of documentary / story-telling / cause based movie really gets me going.   I really recommend you watch the movie a second time with  the director's comments on.  That's where you'll really learn a lot.  It's like sitting through a college course.  Life changing stuff - seeing the atrocity of children-soldiers; how materialism in one part of the globe has consequences in another part of the globe; how people, nations, corporations fight over commodities because of greed.  It's sobering.  Not for children to watch.   Another thing that intensified the emotions in this movie.  Two new refugee families from Africa have just joined our church, and they experienced some of what was portrayed in this movie.   Really brings things home. 

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